Happy November!
I love this time of year because of all the festivities and the colours in nature.
I get to celebrate a myriad of festivals coming from Indian origins, growing up in American and now living in the UK.
We have just celebrated Diwali – the beautiful festival of lights and the victory of good over evil. Carving Jack-O-Lanterns and going trick or treating with the kids Guy Fawkes is around the corner and at the end of November is the American Thanksgiving Day holiday.
What do they all have in common? Bringing friends and family together, celebrating joy and happiness and if only for the day in question – we exercise forgiveness! Yes, okay I struggle with this one a bit too but boy does it make your heart and head so much lighter! (just a whisper to yourself – ‘I forgive … for ….. and now I am free’).
How can Reiki help lighten the burden of unpleasant relationships?
A combination of a Chakra Balancing Treatment along with a Relationship Healing Meditation helps realign you, fill you with positive energy and give you the opportunity to express your emotions in the raw leaving you light and relieved.
75 minutes of treatment/meditation gives you immediate results.
My message to you this month is to celebrate your relationships and the people who matter in your life. Thank each moment you have with them and thank them for enriching your life. Bask in the glow of knowing that you have each other – as family, as a friend, as a colleague. It’s also the time to give thanks to all who make your life work so efficiently – the cleaner, cook, gardener, bus driver, shop keeper, hair dresser, nail technician, masseuse, etc.
The Reiki Principles;
- Just for today I will not Anger
- Just for today I will not Worry
- Just for today I will be Compassionate to all beings
- Just for today I will Work Hard and with Integrity
- Just for today I will be Humble
Recite the Reiki Principles above every day and you will find yourself worrying less, controlling your anger, forgiving hurtful people, loving what you do and keeping your ‘ego’ in check!
I leave you with positive thoughts and energy!
In Love, Light & Reiki,