My Dear Readers,

I am thrilled to announce my new venture for which I have spent a good part of the last year training for and practicing.  It seems to be a natural evolution for me to have reached this space and I have all of you and your constant support and great feedback to thank.

I am very excited to share my knowledge and my personal experiences with all that may benefit from them.

Do share this with anyone you think may benefit.

Also, if you have an expertise that will complement my mentoring programmes and would like to be involved, please do not hesitate to connect with me and let’s see what we can create together.

If you’ve hit 40 or perhaps already slid passed it slightly, then you’re definitely something!

Every age, decade, milestone is meaningful and significant in its’ on right.

40 however is right smack in the middle… middle of what? Middle-age some say, but that’s if you’re targeting 80 something, if you’re targeting 100 then perhaps you’ve not quite hit middle-age yet.

The one thing that is constant in life is ‘change’. 

  • I can assist you with managing these changes by first welcoming them and then nurturing them with love, creativity and a positive approach.
  • I can help you take control of the reigns, tame this wild horse that can take you astray, and bring you back home, to YOU and guide you to embrace the change and embrace yourself; show you how to enjoy each relationship and each situation. I listen to you, to your story.
  • There are shifts; I want to help you to make them  yours.   Once your paradigms have been awakened and shifted, you will have clarity and the ability to tap in to your own natural tools to take each day, each event, each change in your own stride.


  • 40 is something.  It’s beautiful, it’s powerful, it’s charged.  I want for you to be present in it and take it for all it’s worth.

Let me help you break through limiting thought patterns that can be very frustrating and breakthrough to a beautiful, powerful and charged YOU!

  • 40 is in the middle of two very significant generations in your life.  You’re smack in the middle of ageing parents and growing children.  Okay, the ‘growing’ children may be anywhere from a new-born to a new college student.

40 brings about so many changes in our lives:

  • Our health – we get more conscious of the effects of a good or poor diet.  Of physical activity.  It is the beginning of many physiological changes.
  • Our physical appearance – our metabolism begins to change, our shape begins to change (okay, for some of us!), we have a better understanding of the importance of fitness, diet and physical activity.
  • Our relationships – single, married, divorced, loss of a partner, loss of a parent.
  • Our family structure and dynamics – empty nest, becoming a mid-life parent (having your first child at 40/+), parent of teenagers, children of ageing or dependent parents.
  • Career & Finance – career changes, redundancies, budding entrepreneurs, growth spurt in your professional career, saving for retirement and/or children, political and environmental effects on jobs and finances.
  • Social environment – 2 significant things can happen here.  You can stay in the comfort zone of the friends and social groups you are already well established with or you begin to venture out for change and new stimulation and begin to grow your circle and change your activities.
  • Pre-menopausal – this is a tough one but once it is embraced, it can be a pleasant ride.

Many of these changes are chosen and voluntary but many of them are out of our control.

At 40 we do achieve a sense of achievement, a feeling of having ‘arrived’ but we can also find ourselves flummoxed while trying to get a grip on all that’s changing within us and outside of us.

It’s a time of varied thoughts and emotions that these significant changes bring in to our lives.

Becoming a first-time parent just before embarking on this amazing decade – and becoming a ‘mid-life’ parent while caring for ageing parents as well as experiencing personal health and physical changes I have a clear understanding of the emotional and physical effects these experiences bring upon us.

  • How & Where?

By phone,  Skype, face-time, a walk in the woods, over a coffee, potting plants in your garden, walking the dog, getting our nails done, lifting weights at the gym… or a way that suits you, and your life-style.

  • Mentoring

Call me for a 30 minute chat and let’s see what path this takes us on…

07870 190 657; anupapanjabi@gmail.com

In Love, Light, Peace and Joy….

Your buddy,
