I took the boys to see the amazing pieces built of tiny LEGO pieces by Nathan Sawaya. The Exhibition, titled ‘The Art of the Brick’ at the Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, was quite inspiring.
Along with the amazing creation of Sawaya and his philosophy and inspiration behind each piece, I was very inspired by his thinking and his quotes. I would like to share some with you.
Nathan Sawaya:
1. “Create what you SEE, Create what you FEEL, Create what you have NEVER SEEN. JUST CREATE!
2. “Swim against the current. Follow your own path. Find the courage WITHIN.
3. “Art makes better humans, Art is necessary in understanding the world and Art makes people happy. Undeniably, Art is NOT an option!
4. “Fortunately, there are no rules in Art!”
5. “My favourite subject is the human form. A lot of my work suggests a figure in transition. It represents metamorphosis I am experiencing in my own life. My pieces grown out of my fears and accomplishments, as a lawyer and as an artist, as a boy and as a man.”

And then I woke up inspired this morning, and made this for the boys: