2 Years and 10 Months, that’s how old A & Y are today.
2 Years and 10 Months of bewilderment, being overwhelmed, feeling a new kind of love – on the double, and just being in pure rapture watching 2 little boys I gave birth to at the same time (ok, well 15 minutes apart) being so so different from each other.
A & Y came 6 weeks early, and 2 weeks earlier than I realistically expected. Twins can come anywhere from 28 weeks on to full-term, but I anticipated mine around 36 weeks and not 33.5. So for the 1st 2 weeks they were in the hospital in incubators and then just under observation as by God’s Grace they were healthy and were not machine dependent. The best healing for premies is to give them ‘kangaroo care’. Wow! What an amazing experience to hold two little munchkins to my chest at the same time and just listen to each one take their breath.
Watching them and already seeing how different they were was bewildering. I could already see how different their features were from each other, how they positioned themselves while sleeping, how the tones of their little cry were different. I can only imagine that it’s overwhelming to say the least when you’re holding your first born and you already start to dream in to their future. Holding 2? Wow.
Needles to say the journey has been loads of fun (ok it has been, AND challenging!) so far. I will let you in to snippets as I recollect the fun and crazy times leading up to now.
My posts will be going back in to the past sometimes and then back in the present. Enjoy the ride.