Day 4: What made you smile today?

Day 3… Wednesday… Hump Day….?  Not too many smiles… or not wanting to share and make me smile along?

Let’s see what Day 4 brings us all… hopefully tons of smiles and loads of laughs.


In our busy and hectic lives, sometimes we forget to stop and smile, hold back a laugh, or get pulled down by unhappy people. Then we have the continuous depressing reality of the world at large with senseless murders, wars, etc. and the wrath of Mother Nature.

Not too long ago there was the 100 Happy Days phenomenon that encouraged millions of people around the world to keep a social media photo diary for 100 days of things that made one happy each day.

We need this phenomenon to continue for our own selves and to keep positive energy around us which then multiplies into massive movement of positive energy.

I would like to encourage each one of you to share with me and all the readers on what brings a smile to your face everyday. Everyday for the next 30 days (to begin with), in the comment box below, please share with me what brought a smile to your face that day. It can be absolutely anything. Be open to all the that’s out there.

Are you in?

3 thoughts on “Day 4: What made you smile today?

  1. So have missed a day or 2 but definitely remember the last post I was planning to share …
    Had a massive headache – presumably cause by my son and all the mischief he’s up to – ask for a massage ( after giving him a long lecture, mind you) and he happily climbed into my bed and started massaging … What put a smile to my face was how he so lovingly massaged me even after all my yelling … Kids are so in the moment … They truly teach us unconditional Love … And to my amazement.. My headache was gone in 5mins!!!

  2. Could not sleep so thought of catching up with your 4 day of happiness and smiles. Looking at you four girls in you innocent masti, your ghunghurale gal and your shimmery costumes brought a wide wide smile on my face. Am still smililing. God Bless

  3. My 3rd official training day at the gym and I finally had the stamina to complete my warm up meeting my target! The stamina is slowly making it’s way back!

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